Configure Apple Mail for Exchange Web Services

Exchange Web Services (EWS) is a newer data synchronization protocol that seamlessly syncs SmarterMail messages, contacts and calendars with Apple Mail, iCal and Address Book. 

Follow these steps to set up Apple Mail to sync with SmarterMail biaExchange Web Services :
  1. On your Mac, open System Preferences.
  2. Click Mail, Contacts & Calendars.
  3. Click Microsoft Exchange.
  4. Complete the display name, full email address and password fields.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Type the root URL to your SmarterMail webmail. For example,
  7. Click Next.
  8. An account summary screen will display. Click Continue.
  9. Click Add Account.

Apple Mail is now configured to sync with SmarterMail. Depending on how much data there is to synchronize, the first sync may take a few minutes.

NOTE: For mailboxes that will process and store large volumes of email, it is recommended that they be set up to connect to SmarterMail using IMAP as EWS performance suffers when processing large volumes of email

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